With a vote of 165 members in favor and only 14 opposed, Brookline, MA is the newest town to recognize Indigenous Peoples Day! Thank you to everyone who helped!
Many thanks are due all around for the Indigenous Peoples Day victory in Brookline:
To the 4 petitioners, Patricia Connors, Cornelia vanderZiel, Vishini Samaraweera, and Raquel Halsey.
To the supporters who came to often unpleasant committee meetings on week nights, including lovely Brookline HS students who are making the curriculum better for future students, Arthur Conquest, members of Brookline PAX and Occupy, Nora Dooley who heroically waited on crutches at town meeting and was still not allowed to speak about why she as an Italian-American wanted to sink Columbus, Julie Joy, Julia Priest, Ann Gilmore, Sofia, Sonia, Ellen Poss, Ukumbwa, First Parish UU, Parker Breza from Tufts, and many others who provided support and sent emails and made phone calls.
Thanks to Lloyd Gellineau from the Diversity Office who understood right away that this was important, and to the School Committee and Select Board for supporting. And thanks to the Town Meeting Members who voted overwhelmingly in favor of Warrant Article 20 despite a last-ditch effort by reactionary forces to take over the meeting.